

  MIGUEL MOLINA has been devoted
to the research and production of
traditional music from the Andes
throughout his career.
He has worked
with different musical groups.
Among these are . . .

and he works
                presently with INKASIKURIS in the U. S.


Andean drum
From El Senor de Sipan



Sample Music Coming Soon...

el tejido invisible
El Tejido Invisible
The Invisible Web


In his versatile combination of arts and music,
he has also shared with theatre groups,
dance theatre, modern dance, Butch,
and collaborated in various documentaries.

He has performed with renowned
musical bands and artists,
contemporary artists of other musical genres,
all with which he has participated
in recording their recent productions.

Molina is a full time artist.


To contact Miguel Molina:


(520) 250-6489

pyramid peru
From the filming of "El Senor de Sipan,"
filmed in Peru in 2008

De la pelicula, "El Senor de Sipan"
hecho en Peru, 2008.

Sample Music Coming Soon...